Thursday, October 31, 2019

Problem of Free Will Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problem of Free Will - Term Paper Example Incompatibilist argue that an action is not voluntary and originated and reject any involvement of an external force in causation of such action. This means that an individual is responsible for their actions, and have the will to act without interference from an external force. As Hobbes expounds, this is senseless speech and erroneous reasoning that may lead to contention and sedition or contempt (Kow, 3). From Hobbes’ assertions, free will is an illusion and not a reality; determinism therefore best explains that which characterizes the lives and actions of individuals. Rickaby (2) argues that one of Hobbes assertions was great resistant and warning against rhetoric talks that may lead to erroneous reasoning considering free will. The quote â€Å"I can; if I will† was criticized by Hobbes as erroneous reasoning and that is not worthy to mislead individuals. The main issue is that free will is not a reality and life is determined by external forces that are responsibl e for causation of events. Nothing begins from itself but from an action of some other immediate agent without itself. When a man has the appetite to will or an appetite for something to which he immediately had no appetite for, the cause of the will is not the will itself but must be something else beyond his own control or in his disposition (Hederick, nd). Therefore, for the specific action, the will is not is not the cause of itself, but is caused by an external force outside the will, which makes the will possible in the individual. Voluntary actions or those actions that are considered as voluntary therefore have necessary causes and therefore are necessitated. This means that free will by itself as considered to be voluntary has to be necessitated by an external force that makes the individual to will; out of the will itself. The will is therefore determined. From this, it is clear that free will and compatibilism are not possible and as far as causation is required to necess itate events, determinism is the only possible; explanation that van be attached to actions in individuals. Human freedom and moral responsibility are not possible. Accepting the presence of human moral responsibility and freedom would require that humans have to be the last cause or the causation of all events and no external force is required in this process throughout their actions. Generally, one is not free to do anything or refrain from doing it but is a victim of circumstances where external causation forces make one to act in a certain way (Creel, 226). However Plato in his arguments on the nature of human being mainly explains the distinctiveness, human capacities and self conception as the main aspects that differentiate humans from animals. Many philosophers since Plato have held that the difference between animals and the human beings is having the rational part that makes humans to choose between bad and good (O’Connor, 2010). Largely according to Plato our ratio nal nature include our ability to choose what ends we may consider to be desirable or evil in that pursuing some ends would bring about a pleasant end while others may bring unpleasant ends. Therefore, humans unlike animals have the ability or the will to choose between these

Monday, October 28, 2019

Importance of Knowing Grammar to Students Essay Example for Free

Importance of Knowing Grammar to Students Essay â€Å"indeed.† Grammar is the backbone of a language and without it any single thing you know may be flux, in a sort of jelly without much consistency. In a nutshell, grammar provides you with the structure you need in order to organize and put your messages and ideas across. It is the railway through which your messages will be transported. Without it, in the same way as a train cannot move without railways, you won’t be able to convey your ideas to their full extension without a good command of the underlying grammar patterns and structures of the language. I understand that many students ask this question simply because in their own experience they have always been presented with two main scenarios, and nothing in between. They want to know where they are going to be standing as regards to their learning. Which are those two scenarios? Well, in one extreme we have those language courses that teach grammar almost exclusively, as if preparing the students to be grammarians of the second language rather than users. In the other extreme we have those â€Å"communicative† courses in which the only thing that is done is to talk about something or to read an article and comment on it. In many cases, what is seen in one class has no resemblance to what is done in the next. In my experience, both scenarios may seem good for very specific purposes but I personally feel both are inappropriate for most language learners. For starters, by itself, a good command of the grammar of a language does not imply that the person is able to communicate effectively, as we usually see with students who have only been exposed to an all-grammar-oriented approach sometimes for many years. Many could recite the grammar by heart but if asked to express basic information, they would hesitate too much and browse through all the grammar rules in their heads before making an utterance, or simply dry up. Secondly, just talking in class without anything else done in order to learn from the actual conversation is not good enough either. It may be helpful of course, but up to a certain point. This approach may be more useful for very advanced students who just need to brush up their second language, but for those in need of building up the foundations of a new language, it is certainly too vague and flux, without any consistency. So then, when asked: is grammar really important for a second language learner? I always say yes, but, the real question, or issue here is not whether grammar is important or not but rather how we should present grammar to our students. You may be surprised to hear that most of my own students, even advanced ones, have very little awareness of grammar jargon and terminology, in spite of the fact that they can make a pretty good use of the second language. How is that possible? you may ask. First and foremost, teachers need to know precisely what they are trying to prepare their students for. I do know that what I want is to create users of a new language. I want to prepare people to actually engage in communicative situations using appropriate language and patterns. I am definitely not interested in their explaining to me or making a mental list of all the grammar uses that a certain pattern has. For example, think of your own native language. Name all the tenses that you can find in your own native tongue with their corresponding uses and structures. Unless you are a teacher, a translator or someone who needs to have a very good grasp of this meta-language, more likely than not you may feel at a loss to answer that question. And that does NOT mean in any sense that you are not a terrific user of that language. After all, you can understand and express whatever you want with ease. What is more, by being able to do so, you show an awesome command of the internal grammar of the language. If you knew no grammar patterns you would not be able to make a single sentence but you can. This means that although you may lack the conscious ability to describe how your language works (i.e. its grammar) you can use it perfectly. You are a user of the language. You make a perfect use of the grammar of your native language intuitively or unconsciously. Again, our primary goal as second language teachers must be to create users or the language, not linguists! It escapes the aim of this article to describe how we can achieve this but basically we are going to name the main elements to consider to create language users. To begin with, it should be noted that whatever we present our students with should follow a progression from the very general meaning to the very specific pattern or structure we want them to learn (or that they need to learn of course). I would like to highlight that all this takes place within the same class. Before we start to use the material we have selected, it would be good to introduce the students to the topic you are going to work on. You can have them guess or infer what the material will say about it, they can make predictions and when they fail to use appropriate language, you may provide it. This is good to elicit vocabulary that may be necessary for them to know in order to understand the topic. After you have created curiosity in the topic and provided students with key terms on the topic, make sure you follow a progression such as the one that follows: 1) Provide them with exposure to real language and real situations IN CONTEXT. 2) Initial focus on gist, not form. 3) Focus on more specific meaning. 4) We can then focus on very specific meaning. 5) Analysis and systematization: after we make sure the students have a good understanding of the whole material, you can have them focus on particular items or patterns that may be important for them to learn at their stage (i.e. grammar) You can systematize it more formally and teach them how it works. After all, they have already seen it in practice and they have also worked around meaning, now it is time for them to learn how to use it. 6) Give them exercises for them to practice the new structure. Do not be afraid of using grammar drills and patterns. They could be VERY useful for them to fix the new structures in their brains. 7) Give them homework to force them to revise this at a later time. The homework does not necessarily need to be communicative in nature. Profit from the time in class to communicate and interact. If possible, avoid drilling activities while you are with them in class. However, the time they are on their own could be very well used to do all the drilling and rote practice that may prove useful for them to gain a good command of the grammar form you are trying to teach them. Personally I feel that the time in class must be used for providing learners with as many communicative situations as possible, rather than making them focus on drills and patterns that they could easily practise on their own. 8) Provide them with ample opportunities to practice what they have learned in REAL or REALISTIC communicative situations. Create situations so that they can make lots of mistakes and encourage them to improve on them by reminding them of what they have studied. 9) Recycle and mention the topic again as many times as necessary, time and again. This is essential for them to finally acquire the new structures in a natural way. As you can see, I am not condemning grammar at all as some readers may feel when in my articles I complain about teachers working almost exclusively with a grammar-oriented approach. On the contrary, I feel it is essential in order to master a language. However, how grammar is presented to the students is what really matters. I utterly disagree with those teachers who come to class and tell the class: â€Å"Open your books. Today we will learn the â€Å"Simple Present Tense.† In the suggested steps to follow in any class, you will have noticed that I have used a quite eclectic approach, starting from a communicative situation (steps 1-4) with the focus on understanding the message from the gist up to very detailed info and later, and only later, once meaning is clearly understood, we reach the grammar item we may need our students to learn at their stage. The obvious advantage of this approach is that while dealing with grammar, the students will have a clear idea of the context in which it was used and the communicative need it satisfied.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Does Class Size Matter?

Does Class Size Matter? Does class size affect a students performance in school? Both sides could be argued upon, but neither would win without the proper evidence defending their side. Here is the evidence to put this debate to rest, class size does affect academic performance. Smaller class for a student as well as for teachers are a good thing. Research supports the common-sense notion that children learn more and teachers are more effective in smaller classes. (General OneFile) Its common sense that smaller class are more effective for students to learn and teachers to help their students. The larger the class, the least likely it is for the teacher of the class to give every student the help they need. For a student to be able to succeed the teacher has to be able to help them until they understand on their own enough to handle it by themselves. The more the teacher is able to help, the more they learn and the more they learn, the more they will achieve in their futures. Studies have shown that small classes have a beneficial effect on the academic achievement of children from low-income families and those learning English as a second language (ESL). These are the students that the majority of educators are increasingly dealing with. Not only were small classes studied, but large ones as well. The findings show that overcrowded classrooms are associated with lower student achievement as confirmed by reading and mathematics competency tests. (Robert J. Rios) Test scores show that smaller classes are effective at bettering achievements of low income and minority students. Smaller classes help low-income and minority students learn better as well as faster. Larger classes are could be very harmful to students both educationally and financially. The evidence suggests that increasing class size will harm not only childrens test scores in the short run, but also their long run human capital formation. Money saved today by increasing class sizes will result in more substantial social and educational costs in the future. (Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach) Raising the size of a class will effect a students test scores as well as hurting them in the long run money wise. Saving money now by increasing class size now will hurt the student in the long run. Its not good for the schools to cut cost now by making class sizes bigger, to effect the student later by having to spend more money to get where they needed to be in the first place. Class size is an important determinant of student outcomes, and one that can be directly determined by policy. All else being equal, increasing class sizes will harm student outcomes. (Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach) Incr eased student numbers in universities coupled with reduced resources have often resulted in larger class sizes, thus encouraging a reversion of the traditional style of delivery and a reduction in small group and tutorial contact in short, less interactive teaching and learning. (William Duncan Papo) By increasing student class sizes in schools to reduce resource use has often resulted in the reduction of interactive teaching and learning,ÂÂ   you would be decreasing the time that the students could possibly need with the teacher, but not being able to have because there would be too many students to get that opportunity. Raising class size could potentially hurt a students outcomes of achievement educationally. [If you use endnotes, they should be on a separate page, at the end of your text and preceding the list of works cited. If you use footnotes, consult your professor for preferred format.] Class Size Change From Elementary to High School Average Class Sizes: Elementary Class Size Middle School Class Size High School Class Size Average Class 21 16 17 Source: you see class size greatly effects a student academically as well as capitally. Policymakers should take into account the facts that students learn better and fast in smaller classes where the teacher can get to all her students. Works Cited Bonesronning, Hans. Class Size Effects on Student Achievement in Norway: Patterns and Explanations. Southern Economic Journal 69.4 (2003): 952. General OneFile. Web. 9 Feb. 2017. Class-Size Reduction: Better Than You Think. PRWeb Newswire 18 Feb. 2014: n. pag. General OneFile. Web. 7 Feb. 2017. Guillemette, Yvan. School Class Size: Smaller Isnt Better. C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 15 Aug. 2005: n. pag. General OneFile. Web. 7 Feb. 2017. Johnson, Laurene. Does Class Size Really Matter? District Administration Oct. 2011: 104. General OneFile. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. PAPO, WILLIAM DUNCAN. LARGE CLASS TEACHING: IS IT A PROBLEM TO STUDENTS? College Student Journal 33.3 (1999): 354. General OneFile. Web. 9 Feb. 2017. Rios, Robert J. School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-Class Size: Does It Really Matter? Does It Really Matter? N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. Schanzenbach, Diane W., Professor. Does Class Size Matter? National Education Policy Center. N.p., Feb. 2014. Web. 07 Feb. 2017. Table 7.Average Class Size in Public Primary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, and Schools with Combined Grades, by Classroom Type and State: 2011-12. Table 7.Average Class Size in Public Primary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, and Schools with Combined Grades, by Classroom Type and State: 2011-12. Schools and Staffing Survey, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. Is Education the Best Solution to Poverty? Is Education the Best Solution to Poverty? For majority of African children, education represents the only solution of a life of rooted poverty. Across the continent, a large number of children currently survive on less than one dollar a day. Children who can read, write and do some arithmetic can hope to get better paid job in future. But school is much more than just job skills. It plays an increasingly important role helping children protect themselves against the diseases which can destroy poor communities. Simple information on day-to-day hygiene and prevention saves lives and keeps the families together. Finally,ÂÂ  school builds cohesiveness, community and confidence. Educated children are less chance to become victims of violence and abuse. They are more likely to invest in improving their community when they are grown. And the follow-on effects of even basic education quickly multiply, as children who have benefited from schooling themselves strive to secure even better opportunities for their own families. In Africa, its common for schools be shut down because of wars and political turmoil. Genocide in Darfur, civil war in Liberia, war in Cote dIvoire and economic strife in Zimbabwe have all shut down schools and disadvantaged students. Schools in many countries in Africa are plagued with corruption, cheating and violence. Schools are also short on teachers and supplies. Even though education is free, compulsory until age 15 and schools also provide a nutrition and HIV/AIDS awareness program still education is interrupted by violence in many African countries.ÂÂ  In order to improve the education systems throughout Africa, efforts have to be made to stop the violence and wars by implementing economic sanctions and arms embargos. The financial crisis had halted improvements in education for children in impoverished countries. If education budgets are not protected from the ravages of the financial crisis all the progress could be jeopardized and generations will be condemned to poverty. ÂÂ  More than $4 billion annually would be lost from education budgets in sub-Saharan Africa due to the impact of the global economic crisis which accounts to around 15% drop in resources for each primary school student. Every 3.6 seconds one person dies of starvation in Africa. Usually it is a child under the age of 5. Poverty hits children the hardest. While a severe lack of goods and services hurts every human, it is most threatening to childrens rights: survival, health and nutrition, education, participation, and protection from harm and exploitation. It creates an environment that is damaging to childrens development in every way mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.ÂÂ  More than 1 billion children are deprived of at least one of the essential goods and services they require to survive, grow and develop. They have no access to sanitation facilities and not even safe water which causes about 4000 deaths per day. Efforts should be made to provide safe water and helps displaced communities replace or find new water resources and build latrines. There should be awareness and monitoring of the issues likeÂÂ  risk of abduction, sexual violence and exploitation of children, struggle fo r shelter, education etc. and tougher laws for child exploiters. Population Explosion is another factor which compels to provide more stress on education in Africa. The underlying cause for prevailing problems such as population increase, poverty and high mortality rates is low or no education for women in Africa. There would be no development advancement unless women received education. In impoverished areas of Africa, it is still a practice to place priority on boys schooling, while girls are expected to help with housework or farming. Women who have no or little chance of receiving an education are usually forced to marry at a young age, which often leads to multiple childbirths in uncertain conditions and often end up with no knowledge of how to save themselves from the risk of infection or HIV. So ultimately it makes more difficult for mothers to give due consideration to the nutrition, health and hygiene of their babies. Family planning to control the population explosion and improvement in health systems facilities are needed in those impov erished areas. Educated Women are likely to marry late and have healthy babies. They would be more fruitful to family in financially and health wise. All these challenges emphasize the need to provide quality education which will be cost effective and will encompass all masses. Use of latest technological innovations can make this possible. Use of technologies like Distance education and language translation can provide students with education in their language and at their own pace. Making use of Unified Software engine using Software Stability Model will help in designing and building systems that are stable, scalable and long lasting. Also using these technologies the requirement for large infrastructures is largely reduced thereby reducing their cost. As imparting education using advanced technologies does not require the presence of instructor on the site, students can avail seamless education at their own convenience. This will reduce their dependency on presence of a trained facilitator. Using graphical and visual tools the quality of education received by these deprived masses can be greatly enhanced. As rapid growth in te chnological development, more and more tools and innovations can be utilized to improve quality of education distribution. To deal with the challenges faced by students in Africa we need to follow few measures to overcome them which are as follows: 1. Distance Education Distance education is a technology that aims to deliver education to students who are physically not present at the educational site. It helps students to gain access to learning material even if the educator or learning material and the learner are separated by time or distance or both. This technology is being widely used across the world by many universities and educational institutions. It provides students the freedom to study from home and study at their own convenient time. Studies prove that due to prevalent economic crisis in many countries in the African continent there is a substantial decrease in budget devoted to development of educational systems. These countries have to manage their scarce budgets to provide quality education to students. This emphasizes the need to develop educational systems that require less cost to develop and maintain but at the same time do not compromise on the quality of education. Use of technologies like Distance education which require less cost and still provide good quality of education are the key. Distance education technology will help in reaching the deprived students in Africa who either cannot attend schools due to poverty or they are living very far away from school or educational center. Schools that have substantial funds can invest in providing facilities required for distance learning like computers and internet connection. Distance education makes use of material reuse and the material can be stored for long duration so distance education does not need much infrastructure to maintain and reduce the cost of the whole educational system. Different classes of women who are otherwise deprived of any form of formal education can benefit largely from distance education facilities. Women who are housewives are required to be at home all the time can sit at home and study without causing any disturbance in their marriage and keep on taking care of their children while studying. Another group of women who are denied education because it requires face to face interaction with facilitators will greatly benefit from distance education as they can pursue education by keeping safe distance from the instructors and still access quality education. Women who are uneducated but working to provide for their family can benefit from learning at their own convenience and time. It will increase their self- esteem and also help them to enhance their career through education. This project will provide students with a website accessing which students can register and create user accounts .They can log in to these accounts and register for courses they are interested in. They can access the material that they require online and also log in to attend online classes provided on the site. The University Of South Africa (UNISA) is one such institution that provides boost to higher education. It is one of the largest institutions in the world that boasts over 120,000 registered students studying for qualifications, through the doctoral level. 2. Language Translation Languages play an important role in learning process. Many of the African countries that are multilingual are unable to access technology because of the language barrier. The language of propagation of technology is different from their native language. Hence they cannot use the services provided by these technologies. Language translation tools are tools that can be used to convert learning materials, documents and also web pages from English language into some other language of interest. If the educational and other important content available on the internet is not provided in local language then it is of no use of this information. Extensive use of any particular language in importance correspondences like government notices, tenders, and official invitations can cause ignorance about their rights among people. Language here is not only a means of communication but also has social impact. Use of language translation tools to convert learning material into native languages can remove the need for students to study a number of foreign languages. Progress of students will also be faster as the material in their native language will be easy to understand than any foreign language. Thus poor people who have very less opportunities for gaining education can make most of it. This will speed up their learning process and increase their chances of availing higher education and consequently earn better living. Uneducated population of women is one of the causes leading to population explosion in Africa. When a woman is educated she can take care of whole family and herself. Women need to be educated about day-to-day hygiene requirements and health concerns. They should be able to understand the need for proper care of babies which will help decrease infant mortality rate. Education facilities are made available to women in their native languages through use of Language Translation tools. Learning about important issues through their own mother tongue can have lasting effect on these women even if they are not very educated. This project will provide facility to translate available material in selected languages. Registered users can submit the document that they wish to get translated in any of the language available. They can then access the material in the language they are comfortable with. Among a number of organizations that provide language translation, web-lingo is one such organization based in South Africa. This organization offers both technical as well as nontechnical translation solutions to web development and software companies to translate their content into and from about 85 languages. One of their projects includes a program that runs on top of standard Microsoft Office Software. 3. Seamless Education: Seamless Education system as one that represents an integrated concept of education that stretches from early childhood through a four-year college degree .It breaks down between high school and college, academics and career/technical education and public education and the workplace. The purpose of seamless education is to prepare capable citizens, whether or not they attend school or college. So teachers align courses and create interdisciplinary projects. It is an effort to increase high school completion rates, test scores, school/college enrollment, job placements, economic conditions, family support. The key to economic development is an educated workforce. If Africans have to lead a better life they must equip their children and grandchildren with the skills needed to be educated and employed. A seamless system of education will ensure that we have an educated and prepared workforce to overcome all the challenges hindering their growth and development. Education is key to all issues. If our next generation is educated they can be employed and will work at well-paid jobs. If finance is there economic conditions, health conditions, sanitation, poverty all will certainly improve. The major challenge is to make education easily accessible to everyone in the continent. This can be very well accomplished with seamless education system. Teachers from all over world should be invited to map out which concepts should be taught and when will those be taught. The basic classes such as English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies should be must. To start with preschoolers should be encouraged. Women Education should be encouraged. Educational authorities envision a seamless education system starting with early childhood progressing through general education and training, higher and adult education. Another issue is that a large number of students enroll in fields of commerce and health science. This creates a major imbalance between arts and humanities on one hand and technology and science on the other hand. The output of graduates in fields of science and technology should increase to balance the ratio between technical and university students. It is believed that seamless education will help in improving the balance to a significant extent. Health Conditions can also improve by providing education in fields of medicine. Access to quality medicines are needed to improve health conditions. So access to get quality treatment should be in range of affordability, acceptability and physical availability. Proper training to workforce is needed to coordinate medicines management from doctor level to patient level. Unfortunately pharmacists and pharmacy support personnel are very few in Africa. Trainings are also provided but at insufficient scale. So the fundamental solution to scale up health conditions is to increase number of qualified pharmacists via higher education via seamless education system. Some of the major goals of a Seamless System can be as: Smoothing student transitions from one level of learning to the next. Closing the achievement gap between white and minority students. Balancing the ratio of technical and human science students. Strengthening relationships between families and schools. Creating a wider range of learning experiences and opportunities for students in the final two years of high school. Improving institutes readiness and success. 4. Animations and Visualizations: The challenge to provide education to students is how to educate them to have a solid impact in their learning. In layman terms, Animations, a type of optical illusion, are graphical displays that evolve overtime. ÂÂ  It could be drawing, objects, or people in various positions of additive movement. However, when played, it produces a stream of unbroken motion of images. Consisting of a series of drawings or photographs on paper, animation can be viewed with a mechanical device or flipping through hand-held sequence of images. Animations could be seen on films, video, or computers. Visualizations on other hand include static display of graphical images. Visualizations can absorb a lot of information and display in a manner so that it memorizes. ÂÂ  AnimationÂÂ  has a place in learning and instructional applications .Programs that use animations or visualizations attract student interest and offer feedback that can enhance different learning styles. Animation is a great classroom activity, allowing teachers and students to explore and develop a more creative time table in Math, Science, English and many topic areas. Being fun, creative and hands-on learning, animation encourages both teachers and students as they use simple IT practice, and is uniquely suited to all classrooms. The online centers website will be been designed to share examples, resources, ideas and approaches to animation in education. All the animation films featured will be available to students and teachers to enhance the learning process. Animation can used to provide extra help where it is needed. Content related graphics (both static and animation) and video can help improve student attitudes and motivation in certain subjects, mainly mathematics and science. Technical Feasibility of the project : All the above technologies proposed that will be used in the building of the project are available in the market. Labor requirements for the project: The project will require Senior level management including Project manager and Professional staff including Software developers and Analysts. Office staff is required to manage the centers. Physical location of the project: It will require a center where students can visit. The center must be located in Africa. Technology Requirements: Computer Hardware and Software: The project will require computer systems with latest configurations and software. A database server and networking technology to connect client and server machines is required. Also some basic systems that can be used by students to access the material and information is needed. Internet connection: High speed internet connection is required. Commercial feasibility: Funds will be acquired from Education committees that work towards development of education in Africa as well as from other developed countries that allot funds in their budgets to help educational systems in Africa. Technical Challenges: Selecting location of the education center in Africa. If no internet facility is available in remote areas, then towers will be needed for providing internet connection. Commercial Potential : The investment done in the project will help to provide quality education to students in Africa. Although there will be no tangible profit the return on our investment will be obtained by achieving development of African countries through spread of education

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Family Structure in Eating Disorders Essay -- Relationships Health Pap

Family Structure in Eating Disorders We are all genetically and socially affected by our families. Families serve as the matrix of our identity. It is through interactions within the family that we develop a sense of who we are and how we fit in (Minuchin, Rosman & Baker, 1978). Parents serve as role models, providing examples for attitudes, coping skills, and eating habits, as well as setting standards for perfection, ambition and acceptance (Hall & Cohn, 1992). Many researchers claim that family dynamics are at the root of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. The role of dysfunctional family interactions in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa has been given a prominent place in the research field. Evidence for a specific family constellation in this disorder, however, has been conflicting. While the majority of studies argue for a specific family interaction style, further studies must be conducted to identify distinguishing characteristics of anorexic subtypes and to determine whether these characteristics are of a causal or consequential nature (Minuchin, Rosman & Baker, 1978). Family focused treatments for anorexia nervosa have been developed based on accounts in family therapy literature of the "typical" anorexic or "psychosomatic" family (Weme & Yalom, 1996). Anorexic families may appear to have a perfect or ideal environment on the surface, but upon close observation little expression of affection or warmth is seen. Members of these families seldom take specific stands on issues, and conflict is avoided at all costs. Underlying dissatisfaction and tension is often present within the parental dyad. It has been suggested that parents of anorexic offspring put high expectations on their children to over-com... ...oanalysis and Eatiniz Disorders. Guilford Press: New York. Blinder, B.J., Chaitin, B.F., & Goldstein, R.S. (1988) The Eating Disorders. PMA Publishing: New York. Broberg, A. (1993). The anorectic family--an old-fashioned concept. Lakartidningen, 5@O 4550-4553. Hall, L., & Cohn, L. (1992). Bulimia, A Guide To Recovory Gurze Books: CA. Le Grange, D.C., & Rutherford, J. (1994). Redefining the psychosomatic family; family processes of 26 eating disorder families. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 3, 211-226. Minuchin, S., Rosman, B.L., & Baker, L. (1978). PYchosomatic Families. Harvard University Press: Mass. Weiss, L., Katzman, M., & Wolchik, S. (1985). Treating Bulimia. A Psychoeducational Approach. Pergamon Press: New York. Weme, J., & Yalom, J.D. (1996). Treating Eating Disorders. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Black Hole

Black hole in astronomy is a theoretical region in space with such intense gravitational forces that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. Calculations based on Einstein’s general theory of relativity published in 1915 indicate that a very high concentration of matter can form a black hole, but the existence of black holes has not been proven. For the sun to form a black hole, it would have to be compressed into a sphere less than 4 miles (6. 4 km) in diameter.Scientists believe such concentrations of matter can occur under certain conditions, as when a massive star (one with a mass three or more times that of the sun) runs out of fuel for thermonuclear reactions and collapses in one itself. In the constellation Cygnus, a star has been discovered that appears be in a binary (two-star) system with a small, invisible object that may be a black hole formed from a star (Abell, 34-36). The area around the object is a strong source of X-rays, possibly produced by gases heated to very high temperatures as they are drawn into the black hole.Very massive black holes may form at the centre of a galaxy, where there is a high concentration of stars and other matter. Astronomers have found evidence for the existence of massive black holes at the centre of several galaxies, including the Milky Way. Black holes ranging down to microscopic size may have formed when the universe was very dense, shortly after its creation. According to a theory by the English physicist Stephen Hawking, black holes of very small size lose a significant amount of mass through subatomic processes at their boundaries.According to this theory, once a black hole become extremely small, it emits all its remaining mass in an explosion of high-energy particles. However, evidence for such explosions has not been found. Moreover, the term â€Å"black hole† was coined to describe such an object more than 50 years ago, long before there was any evidence that such object existed. Today, t here is ample evidence that black hole exist (Snow, 111). If the core contains more than 3 solar masses, its collapse leads to the formation of a black hole. In this case, the degenerate neutron gas pressure cannot halt the collapse.There may or may not be a supernova explosion, depending on whether a neutron star forms temporarily (causing a rebound of the infalling outer layers of the star) before collapsing further. A black hole never stops collapsing; mathematically, it can be described as a single point containing all the mass of the collapsed stellar core, but physically it is difficult to describe. In other words, if a star more than 2 or 3 solar masses in its core collapses, it will exceed the mass limit for formation of a neutron star.When a star collapses beyond the point where neutron gas pressure degenerate can support it, the collapse never stops as mentioned earlier. Thus, a black hole is not in hydrostatic equilibrium because there is no known force that can counterac t the inward force of gravity and it is said that the mass of the star forms a singularity, described mathematically as a single point having infinite density. As the collapse proceeds, the surface gravity of the star becomes stronger (Chaisson, 16-17).The gravitational force of the star remains the same at distance outside of the original surface of the star; the immense increase in gravity occurs only at closer distances. As the surface gravity increases, it has an increasingly significant effect on photons of light. Eventually a point is reached where the surface gravity is so great that light cannot escape. At this point, the star is said to have passed through the event horizon because it is impossible to observe anything that happens to it after this.The radius of the star at this point is called the Schwarzschild radius and the Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass of the star; for a star of 1 solar mass, it is 3 km. A black hole cannot be directly observed, but it s presence may be detected through its gravitational effects. If a binary system is found to have an unseen member whose mass is too great to be neutron star, then it must be a black hole. Such binary systems are most easily recognized if mass transfer takes place from the companion star to the black hole. In this case, the matter that is transferred forms an accretion disk so hot that it emits X-rays (Abell, 34-36).Thus, X-ray binaries are likely places to look for black holes. Several X-ray binaries have been observed in which the analysis of the orbit of the visible star indicates that the unseen companion has too much mass to be a neutron star and must therefore be a black hole. Reference: 1. Abell, G. D. Exploration of the Universe (96h edition), pp. 34-36. Philadelphia: W. B. Suanders Co. , 2001. 2. Chaisson, E. Astronomy Today. Pp. 16-17. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice Hall, 2002. 3. Snow, T. P. The Dynamic Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy (6th edition), p. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing Co. , 2001.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Leadership Values and Ethics

Leadership Values and Ethics Introduction Generally, all organizations have a code of ethics that spells out how they should carry out transactions within the business environment. However, some of these well-written documents are just but public relations efforts put by the management to present themselves positively to the public. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Values and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This can be attested by the many times leaders in those organizations act contrary to the ethical standards as spelled out in their code of ethics. Although egocentrism may be the main reason for almost all unethical behaviors, power possessed by the leaders and expectations is the fuel that facilitates the unethical behavior. Such misuse of power contributes significantly to loss of trust on the leader by his followers. Description of the Organization Riverbank Credit is a microfinance institution found in the capital cit y of Kenya – Nairobi, a country in East Africa. It began as a self-help group in 2002 with only seven members. At that time, it gave out loans to its members without tangible security but based on the borrower’s character and cash flow of the business that is to be funded. However, as members increased it was no longer effective to use such terms in giving out loans. Therefore the institution was registered into a SACCO in 2009 and it has grown to have a membership of over 6000. The SACCO currently targets the low and middle-income families with a promise to empower them economically as spelled out in its vision and mission. Ethical challenge of the organization The management is mainly faced by dishonesty whereby it has in many occasions failed to keep the promises it gave to either its workers or clients.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Dishonesty to clients When the SACCO is marketing its loan products, it makes its clients to believe that no tangible security is attached to the loan they secure. However when the client defaults, even for a short period, the company will be quick to seize some of the client’s property. Dishonesty to employees The employees have been short-changed in many occasions in their remuneration whereby some deductions are done based on unfounded claims of penalties. Therefore, employees end up with less pay than was initially agreed. Secondly, the management uses deceptive information to attract employees to the organization. For instance, advertising some posts yet when the employees apply they are posted to very different posts with a promise to give them their preferred post after some time, a promise that will never be fulfilled. Effects of the management’s unethical behavior Strategy recommendations of overcoming the challenge Train their marketers to be able to present the benefits of their loan products so that the issue of security will not discourage clients. This will help them to explain truly the penalties that face the client incase he/she defaults. Carry out a market research to find out the priority needs of the loan customers, therefore they will be able to serve those priority needs profitably. Cary out an internal research to determine the priority needs of the organization in terms of human resources. As a result, the organization will be able to advertise specific vacancies for the most needed personnel hence reducing remuneration expenses. This is because the company will have the minimum number of employees it needs and be able to pay them adequately. The company can develop a human resources plan through which it will attract college graduates and develop them to fit into the organization’s strategy. Such employees demand a relatively low starting salary and can grow in to the company’s system as they have not worked anywhere else.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The One Where You Can Be Yourself Professor Ramos Blog

The One Where You Can Be Yourself The really well known T.V show sitcom â€Å"F.R.I.E.N.D.S† became very popular from 1994-2004. It’s been about 14 years since the tv show ended and yet it’s still the highest rated T.V show on IMDb. This show is relatable, funny, and quirky. Its about six friends living and doing life together. Each character has there own fun personality that makes it easy for anyone to relate to at least one of the characters. This show gives a lot of life lessons that we can all take into consideration. While each character has similar qualities, they also have their differences. One of the main characters on the show named Joey Tribbiani played by the actor Matt Leblanc, taught the audience to be yourself no matter what others think about you.   Rachel Green played by Jennifer Aniston, teaches us if you work hard and youre confident, you can accomplish anything. Chandler played by Matthew Perry   and Phoebe played by Lisa Kudrow, both teach us that just because you are an adult doesn’t mean you have to grow up. In society today we see the struggle and competition to look and act a certain way. You see all over tv or social media, girls and guys portraying themselves as what the world would call â€Å"perfect†. The bottom line is nobody is perfect and we all can’t look like the models or actors we see on T.V.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Friends† gives a realistic but entertaining outlook on the reality of life. There is tons of pressure in life that you have to meet certain criterias. This T.V show took some of the well known problems in society and used it as a way to encourage people to be who they are despite what everyone says. Joey knows who he is and isn’t sorry for it.We see in most of the episodes Joey loves food and won’t deny any kind. In the episode â€Å"The One With The birth Mother† season 10 episode 9,   Joey goes on a date. His date starts taking his french fries, and we see that Joey hates sharing his food. While this dilemma may be extreme, lets take it with a grain of salt and review that in most episodes Joey has a unbreakable love for food and no matter what people say about him or his weight he embraces who is. In the episode â€Å"The One Where Rachel’s Sister Babysits† Rachel’s sister comes into town and pushes her opinions on everyone, being really concerned with looks and self absorbed. She says to Joey â€Å"A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.† Joeys response back to her was â€Å"I’m curvy and I like it! What a powerful bold message this truly is. Joey stood up for himself despite the opinions of others. As an actor h e became a huge influence on society and inspired people to love who they are and accept who they are. â€Å"Acceptance is the turning point of giving up old behaviors that are not working. Acceptance is active process, not resignation. It is embracing reality as the individual experiences it. When we say â€Å"embracing† this does not mean liking. To accept a feeling all is needed is to experience it instead of avoiding it†(Adria). We all struggle with this at some point in our life, whether we hate the way we look or where we are at in life.   Something we have to learn is even though we don’t like it we need to embrace it. Sometimes in life we can’t change the situation we are in but we can change the way we think about that situation. Rachel’s character came from a snobby rich family. When she was introduced on the show her character didn’t know a single thing on how to take care of herself. Everything had been handed to her but she soon realized that if you work hard in life you can accomplish what you desire. For her it was to work in fashion. â€Å"Given the opportunity, we could be successful pooling our knowledge, our skills, and our passion for building something brand new† (Goodman). In the episode â€Å"the one with Rachel’s inadvertent kiss† season 5 Rachel finally lands a job at Fortunata Fashion. She thinks that this is her big break into the fashion world until she soon realizes that shes an assistant getting coffee for everyone. It wasn’t until in the later seasons she lands a job at Ralph Lauren as an executive. In life we may not get the dream job right away but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Sometimes in life we have to be patient and pers istent in what is placed in front of us until new opportunities come along.   While sometimes that easier said than done that doesn’t you can have fun along the way. Life is too short to be serious all the time and sometimes you need a good laugh to keep you going.   This show did a really good job with giving the characters Chandler and Phoebe a light hearted look on life. In one of Chandlers witty saying he says, â€Å" I say more dumb things before 9 A.M than most people say all day.†   With Phoebe’s character we see a free spirited person with a positive outlook on life and always seeing the good in any situation. â€Å"Yes, there is a time and place when it’s important to take things seriously. These are times that involve compassion, empathy, and introspection. However, most situations we find ourselves in are actually not worth fussing over. In fact, they are perfect opportunities for taking a lighthearted approach to living† (Sicinski). This is such a valuable life lesson we can all take into consideration when dealing with trials and hard circumstances in life.   Life is a long journey and we just got t o enjoy the ride even if its bumpy. This show is great because of it’s relatable life lessons anyone can take into consideration no matter what is going on in our lives. The show emphasizes on a lot of diversity in society and brings it to light. F.R.I.E.N.D.S inspires people to be and accept who they are. It showed people motivation and confidence can allow you to accomplish your hearts desires.   It allows people to be okay with the fact that we don’t have it all together and sometime you got to be goofy. â€Å"Just live your life the way you want. And laugh as much as you can while you’re at it. Especially about yourself†(Foroux). The reason friends is such a great T.V show is because it takes lifes daily struggles and makes entertaining journey. Annotated Biblography Goodman, Morris, and Joel Yanofsky. To Make a Difference†¯: A Prescription for a Good Life. MQUP, 2014. EBSCOhost, Pearson, Adria N., et al. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Body Image Dissatisfaction†¯: A Practitioner’s Guide to Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Values-Based Behavior Change Strategies. New Harbinger Publications, 2010. EBSCOhost, Foroux, Darius.You’re Delirious If You Take Life Serious.Life’s too short for seriousness., 8 August 2016. Sicinski, Adam.Here’s Why You Need to Stop Taking Life So Seriously. Lifetime Achiever Archives. IQ Matrix.2008.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Endometriosis essays

Endometriosis essays Pain in the bowel during menstruation Pain when passing urine (especially at the You may have endo especially if the problems above are: So bad that you miss school, sport or work So painful that you have to stay in bed Not helped by the usual treatments for period pain eg. Over the counter pain killers Occurring at the same time every month Endometriosis, endo for short, is a condition where Endometrium (the lining of the uterus) comes away when you have your period. This tissue, which has come away may be found on the ovaries, uterus, bowel or peritoneum. On rare occasions it can be found in other distant sites. This bleeds at the It is most probable that if a woman has endometriosis It is only possible to be absolutely sure of the diagnosis by the direct observation of the misplaced endometrium. For this to be found means a laparoscopy where a fine telescope is inserted through a tiny incision into the abdominal cavity to allow a good look of the pelvic organs. Sometimes to confirm diagnosis tissue samples are taken. There are many theories, which have developed Retrograde Menstruation Theory suggests that the endometrial cells from the uterus are pushed through the fallopian tubes and into the abdomen where they implant and grow. Embryonic Tissue Theory suggests that the endometrial tissue was present abnormally when the woman was an embryo, and which becomes active later in reproductive life. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysing factors effecting Foreign Direct Investment in China Essay

Analysing factors effecting Foreign Direct Investment in China - Essay Example Southeast China in particular has become a hotbed of business activity. Presently, China is actively encouraging trade with the West, and it is a major trading partner of the United States. Despite this progress, many U.S. and European multinationals find that doing business in the PRC can be a long, gruelling process that often results in failure. One primary reason is that Western-based MNCs do not understand the role and impact of Chinese culture. The country launched its open door policy 26 years ago. Since the policy introduction the FDI flows in the country received a quick response. In 2004 China was at no.2nd position in the world of FDI with $64 billion. The Chinese FDI trends can be examined in two phases. In the third phase Deny Xiaoping opened China for overall economic reform. The phase was very fruitful for China. The government introduced new policies and market oriented economic reform. In result of these reforms the FDI's started flowing into the Chinese economy at rocket speed. In November 1999 US-China had an agreement regarding the WTO, according to which many new reforms were made (Sandra, 2001) those included In the first six months of 2002, act... One primary reason is that Western-based MNCs do not understand the role and impact of Chinese culture. Since the last few decades there has been a multifold increase in the FDI in China. The Chinese economy has now gaining the power of effecting the decisions of the economic bodies of the world. History of FDI growth in China: The country launched its open door policy 26 years ago. Since the policy introduction the FDI flows in the country received a quick response. In 2004 China was at no.2nd position in the world of FDI with $64 billion. The Chinese FDI trends can be examined in two phases. First phase: 1979-82 Second phase: 1984-91 Third phase: 1992-99 In the first phase the government establish for special zones with incentive policies. Although there was a high inflow into those regions, the total FDI flow reached US $ 1.8 billion. In the second phase the provinces were opened and recorded US $ 10.3 billion. In 1989 however the trend dropped. In the third phase Deny Xiaoping opened China for overall economic reform. The phase was very fruitful for China. The government introduced new policies and market oriented economic reform. In result of these reforms the FDI's started flowing into the Chinese economy at rocket speed. In November 1999 US-China had an agreement regarding the WTO, according to which many new reforms were made (Sandra, 2001) those included The sectors relating to the distribution services will be opened for repair and maintenance and China will phase in trading rights and distribution services over three years. The Government for the investment opened the telecommunication industry of China. The professionals were also allowed access to the service markets of China. The services included according, consulting, Information

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case Study for ODP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2

Case Study for ODP - Essay Example On the other hand, it is important for the patients to know their rights involved in the delivery of care to prevent misconduct and malpractices that can lead to harm. In cases of malpractice and misconduct during the delivery of care, the patients’ needs to report to the relevant authorities for appropriate actions to be undertaken (Szalados 2007, p. 318). The case study presented in an effort to exploring the legal, ethical and professional conducts surrounding it that entail confidentiality, advocacy, accountability, and consent. Thus, the paper will analyze the four legal and ethical principles in care delivery system in accordance with the case study. Ethical theory, legal issues, roles of the parties involved and relevant laws will be discussed under legal and ethical topic as well as the examination of the ethical decision-making incorporated. The philosophy of ethics has attracted the attention of many people, including researchers and experts in various fields of knowledge. In medicine, just as in sociology and other related disciplines, the term has been widely used to define appropriate behaviour of nurses and other operating department practitioners while executing their mandates (Van De Camp, Vernooij-Dassen, Grol & Bottema, 2004, p. 698). Owing to its wide application in different fields of knowledge, the term ethics has been defined differently by different people depending on their areas of specialization and contexts in question (Savage, Chilingerian & Powell, 2005, p. 21). A lot of medical literatures are in agreement with the definition provided of ethics being the philosophical discipline that studies how nurses and other operating department practitioners are expected to behave, or how to determine between right and wrong while interacting with others, especially with patients (Beauchamp & Childress, 2013, p. 36). Operating department practitioners are expected to uphold their ethical standards to ensure that their actions are in line

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

Research - Essay Example Further, the model stipulates that the teachers and assessment tools are two distinct entities with no close relationship. The students’ learning ability gets measured through objective test results and assessment outcomes (Gatto 45). Notably, one of the major challenges that teachers encounter is high number of learners to attend to. This limits effective service delivery and the quality of education received by the learners. With a class of approximately 50 students particularly in developing countries, it is complex and impossible for the learners to receive one-to-one attention from their instructors. Consequently, assistance from other colleagues and research experts may be necessary. This is commonly evidenced during examinations where close attention is necessary in order to avoid instances of cheating. However, with a sample size of 50 students drawn from the entire school population, at least 10 more researchers are needed to effectively supervise the examinations. This has been evidenced in the case of Mussoorie International School where extra research assistants and instructors are needed to improve the quality of services delivered to clients. Therefore, as the class size increases, more assistants a re needed to help in executing regular academic programmes (Gatto

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

English - Essay Example USA gained its independence from the Great Britain in 1776 while Canada was established in the year 1867. The currency within USA is called US dollar while within Canada, the same is known as the Canadian dollar. (Morton, 1999) USA is known as the superpower nation of the world while Canada is the second largest country in the world when it comes to total area. The military within USA comprises of the Army, the Marine Corps, the Navy, the Airforce and the Coast Guard and both USA and Canada share the world’s longest undefended border. The two countries co-operate with each other to safeguard the interests of one another and thus do joint exercises on a consistent basis. (Wright, 2001) They are trading partners of one another and get along very well too. In the end, it would be correct to state that both USA and Canada understand each other’s territorial philosophies pretty well and thus remain as good neighbors without a shadow of a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Visit to the Indiana State Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Visit to the Indiana State Museum - Essay Example Likewise, as the partner of NHI, it is likewise tasked with enjoining community members to increase their awareness of the rich historical legacy of the state of Indiana and should thereby be instrumental in maintaining cleanliness in the environment, in and outside the perimeter of the museum; as well as assist in conserving natural resources, especially landmark trees within the area. In addition, since it is situated at the heart of the White River State Park, all the more that it extends responsibility towards maintaining cleanliness of the White River and avoid throwing or disposing of anything that could contribute to water or air pollution. As disclosed in its official website, the Indiana State Museum â€Å"with 21,190 square feet of state-of-the-art, high-security collection storage designed for different types of cultural and historical materials, as well as an additional 6,905 square feet for the natural history collections, the Indiana State Museum is superbly equipped t o care for the collections†. Vigilant and highly professional personnel assists in maintaining the pristine condition of its environment and the expertise in preserving the condition of its collections make Indiana State Museum the most effective repository of historical artifacts that would ensure that the future generation would appreciate what has transpired in the history and culture of Indiana’s life. This confirms Indiana State Museum’s commitment to environmental preservation and conservation as paramount among its goals.

Arguments That Are in Favour of the Release of Genetically Modified Essay

Arguments That Are in Favour of the Release of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops - Essay Example With this concern, the discussion henceforth will aim at highlighting the various advantageous aspects of producing GM crops along with their impact on the environment and the human well-being at large, taking into account the major ideas of consequentialism. Favourable Aspects of GM Crops Better Quality and Higher Productivity Through genetic modifications, the GM crops are produced with better quality, scientifically maintaining a balance between the nutritional requirements. Stating precisely, an effective form of GM crop tends to yield a higher nutrition accumulated with the exact amount of dietetic ingredients of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates among others (Mogilna and Magufwa, n.d.). Moreover, GM crops also possess the benefits of producing greater quantities of crops in comparison to the traditional method for a given proportion of farmland. According to the rapid development of global economies, the number of farmlands is continually reducing, and this causes a negative impact on the traditional method for harvesting crops, which has often turned out to be insufficient to satisfy the increasing world population and industrialisation demands. Therefore, increasing agricultural productivity within the specified farmland area can be considered as a major advantage for the agricultural farms in the modern day context (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010). Herbicide Tolerance In the context of farming, the agricultural farms used to spend a large amount of wealth and physical efforts to remove weeds from the crops in the traditional method. However, the process of applying harmful chemicals to weeds was also identified to have an adverse affect on the production of the crops. With this concern, herbicide tolerance crops developed by the genetic modifications are regarded as highly advantageous to prevent the harmful effects of weeds, thus assisting the farmers to save production expenditures and simultaneously raise their profit margin (Sehnal a nd Drobnik, 2009). Insect Resistance The assault of insects in the crops has often been learned to severely affect the production quality and quantity, causing financial losses to the farmers. In order to cope up with the challenge, farmers use huge quantities of pesticides and chemicals to protect their crops from the insects, which can also have an adverse affect on the quality and productivity of the crops. However, it can also be harmful for the customers to regularly consume such food products. With this concern, GM crops can be considered as quite effective to prevent such hazards through the inclusion of â€Å"insect resistance genes.† Moreover, the process also assists the farmers in reducing the financial costs for other chemicals during production (Whitman, 2000). Consequences of GM Crops Human Health Risks The GM crops have been accused of carrying a possibility of causing allergies due to the amalgamation of different genes within the food items that are often uni ntentionally produced during the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

English - Essay Example USA gained its independence from the Great Britain in 1776 while Canada was established in the year 1867. The currency within USA is called US dollar while within Canada, the same is known as the Canadian dollar. (Morton, 1999) USA is known as the superpower nation of the world while Canada is the second largest country in the world when it comes to total area. The military within USA comprises of the Army, the Marine Corps, the Navy, the Airforce and the Coast Guard and both USA and Canada share the world’s longest undefended border. The two countries co-operate with each other to safeguard the interests of one another and thus do joint exercises on a consistent basis. (Wright, 2001) They are trading partners of one another and get along very well too. In the end, it would be correct to state that both USA and Canada understand each other’s territorial philosophies pretty well and thus remain as good neighbors without a shadow of a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Arguments That Are in Favour of the Release of Genetically Modified Essay

Arguments That Are in Favour of the Release of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops - Essay Example With this concern, the discussion henceforth will aim at highlighting the various advantageous aspects of producing GM crops along with their impact on the environment and the human well-being at large, taking into account the major ideas of consequentialism. Favourable Aspects of GM Crops Better Quality and Higher Productivity Through genetic modifications, the GM crops are produced with better quality, scientifically maintaining a balance between the nutritional requirements. Stating precisely, an effective form of GM crop tends to yield a higher nutrition accumulated with the exact amount of dietetic ingredients of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates among others (Mogilna and Magufwa, n.d.). Moreover, GM crops also possess the benefits of producing greater quantities of crops in comparison to the traditional method for a given proportion of farmland. According to the rapid development of global economies, the number of farmlands is continually reducing, and this causes a negative impact on the traditional method for harvesting crops, which has often turned out to be insufficient to satisfy the increasing world population and industrialisation demands. Therefore, increasing agricultural productivity within the specified farmland area can be considered as a major advantage for the agricultural farms in the modern day context (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010). Herbicide Tolerance In the context of farming, the agricultural farms used to spend a large amount of wealth and physical efforts to remove weeds from the crops in the traditional method. However, the process of applying harmful chemicals to weeds was also identified to have an adverse affect on the production of the crops. With this concern, herbicide tolerance crops developed by the genetic modifications are regarded as highly advantageous to prevent the harmful effects of weeds, thus assisting the farmers to save production expenditures and simultaneously raise their profit margin (Sehnal a nd Drobnik, 2009). Insect Resistance The assault of insects in the crops has often been learned to severely affect the production quality and quantity, causing financial losses to the farmers. In order to cope up with the challenge, farmers use huge quantities of pesticides and chemicals to protect their crops from the insects, which can also have an adverse affect on the quality and productivity of the crops. However, it can also be harmful for the customers to regularly consume such food products. With this concern, GM crops can be considered as quite effective to prevent such hazards through the inclusion of â€Å"insect resistance genes.† Moreover, the process also assists the farmers in reducing the financial costs for other chemicals during production (Whitman, 2000). Consequences of GM Crops Human Health Risks The GM crops have been accused of carrying a possibility of causing allergies due to the amalgamation of different genes within the food items that are often uni ntentionally produced during the

Riters explore control in The Rivals Essay Example for Free

Riters explore control in The Rivals Essay Although written centuries apart, ‘The Wife Of Bath’ and ‘The Rivals’ both effectively embody the desire for control. By presenting their respective protagonists as sly and deceptive, Sheridan and Chaucer allow their characters to dominate and manipulate both their fellow characters and the audience to their liking. Likewise, the qualities of verbal wit presented among the female protagonists by Chaucer and Sheridan allow these female characters to assert their influence, intellectually and comically. Despite the presence of male patriarchal forces restoring the domineering women to their inferior social status; the constant shift in control amongst the characters permit Sheridan and Chaucer to draw parallels with the changes in their own societies. In particular, the deception demonstrated in the texts enables certain characters to take control over traditional sources of power. With regards to ‘The Wife Of Bath’, although Medieval society condemned women to eternal servitude of their husbands; critic Marsh’s view that the Wife depends upon â€Å"Deceit as a defence against male domination† portrays her as willing to deceive her (dominant) male counterparts in return for self-control. In fact the proud and boastful tone evokes by the Wife in reference to her first three husbands, â€Å"How piteously a-nyght I made hem swynke† emphasises how her manipulative skills during sex have successfully transferred dominance over to the Wife herself , as reiterated by Chaucer’s use of the personal pronoun â€Å"I†. Similarly, Lucy’s lower class status in ‘The Rivals’ does not impede her from taking advantage of her peers, as demonstrated by her cunning tone here, â€Å"Commend me to a mask of silliness, and a pair of eyes for my own interest under it! † In fact, Sheridan, like other contemporary writers, Goldsmith and Foote, wrote ‘The Rivals’ to follow the structure of a Comedy of Manners, whereby a contemporary, sophisticated class was mocked through the medium of a play. Therefore, Lucy’s deception in refusing to disclose the identity of ‘Delia’ to Sir Lucius and accepting bribes, indeed places her in a position of control as Sheridan relies on Lucy to provide the mockery of the seemingly flawless upper classes. Overall, the deceptive skills of Lucy and the Wife provide them with the utmost control over those supposedly superior than themselves. Additionally, the verbal wit of the Wife and Mrs Malaprop allows them to convey their intellect in male-dominated spheres. Mrs Malaprop in ‘The Rivals’ undeniably becomes powerful as a result of her ‘Malapropisms’, that is, her comical verbal errors. The comedic effect of the exclamation marks and bold tone from Mrs Malaprop here, ‘An attack upon my language! Sure if I reprehend anything in this world, it is the use of my†¦nice derangement of epitaphs! ’, conveys how the power she gains over the audience and fellow characters stems from humour. Therefore, critics Loftis’ view that Mrs Malaprop’s ‘Fault arises from intellectual rather than social affectation’ refers directly to Mrs Malaprop’s impact through her language. Although ‘fault’ seems critical of Malaprop, it could also emphasize the humorous and powerful effect her verbal blunders have in the play. Meanwhile, the Wife adopts examples of textual authority to empower her arguments against those who attempt to undermine her, like the Church. Despite Medieval women not receiving an education due to their believed inferiority, the Wife calls on ‘The wise astrologien, Daun Ptholome’ to validate her controversial arguments. This unusual intelligence among Medieval women indisputably places the Wife in a position of superiority over men, notably in her Prologue. Therefore, although verbal wit is used by Mrs Malaprop and the Wife for opposite purposes, the reaction provoked by other characters and the audience enable Sheridan and Chaucer to present these women as very powerful. Despite the dominance of the female characters, Chaucer and Sheridan also convey control via male patriarchy. When recounting Jankyn’s violence, the Wife uses derogatory language to insult Jankyn, ‘O!hastow slayn me, false theef? ’. Although the Wife subsequently gains his sympathy, the notion of her being abused demonstrates how Jankyn, according to Medival custom, controls the Wife and can therefore attack her if he wishes. In fact, according to critic Ellis, through the Wife making Jankyn feel guilty about attacking her; she commits ‘An act little short of symbolic castration’ by obtaining the power a Medieval husband typically held over his wife. However, patriarchy remains dominant in ‘The Rivals’. During a quarrel with Faulkland, the pity gained by Julia from the audience here, ‘It lost you the love of one, who would have followed you in beggary through the world’, reflects how men retain total control in the play as Julia’s emotions have been repressed by Faulkland’s temper. Interestingly, in Sheridan’s era, the notion of Julia breaking off an engagement with Faulkland would have been seen as outrageous by society. In Georgian times, only men were able to dissolve such engagements instead of women; indicating how men remained totally dominant, even as far as ove was concerned. Therefore, while the Wife manages to overcome the limitations of patriarchy; Julia’s inability to control Faulkland represents how the urge to control is often unsuccessful among characters. In conclusion, via an endlessly-shifting dominance between male and female characters; Sheridan and Chaucer effectively encapsulate the complex nature of control. In particular, despite the social restrictions placed on the Wife, her ability to deceive and argue her way into control regardless of opposition represents how her desire for dominance not only ‘drives’ her life; but the progression of the text. Similarly, the dominance obtained by the lower-class Lucy and the repression of the upper-class Julia indeed embodies the comedic elements of ‘The Rivals’, yet symbolises the difficulty of becoming dominant with such gender and social limitations. For this reason, only Lucy and the Wife gain control due to their wise but cunning manipulation of the expectations imposed on them by society and their counterparts in the texts.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Cases Of A Judicial Precedent

The Cases Of A Judicial Precedent Judicial precedent can be explained as where past decisions of judges are followed in future cases when the facts of the cases are similar. Therefore the legal definition of Judicial precedent can be stated as a courts judgment quoted as a power for choosing a comparable set of facts; a case which provides authority for the legal principle launched in its judgment. It refers to the way in which the law is made and amended through the decisions of judges as there is no particular set of binding rules. The judicial precedents doctrine is based on the principle called stare decisis to stand upon decisions and by which precedents are commanding and compulsory and must be practiced. This means that lower courts are bound to apply the legal principles set by superior courts in earlier cases. This provides balance and certainty in the law. A precedent is always based upon the two factors the ratio decidendi which means a reason for the decision and obiter dictum which means something said by the way and also, the decisions made in the previous relevant cases. The ratio decidendi of a case is the important part of establishing precedents that binds inferior courts in the hierarchy. When a judge makes his judgement in a case, he outlines the facts which he finds have been proved on the evidence. Then he applies the law to those facts and reaches at a decision, for which he gives the reason (ratio decidendi). Whereas obiter dictum is a decision given by a judge that has only incidental bearing on the case in question and is therefore not binding in later cases. The decision of the judge may vary according to the facts of the case and is not strictly relevant to the matter in the issue in the original case. The ratio decidendi is the binding part of a judicial decision whereas an obiter dictum isnt. However, an obiter dictum may be of persuasive (as opposed to binding) authority in later cases. Even if any difficulty arises, the judge will give reasons for his decision, however he will not always tell what the ratio decidendi of case is, and it is then up to a later judge to figure out (elicit) the ratio of the case. However, there may be disagreement over what the ratio is and there may be more than one ratio. Thus, it is not always easy to differentiate ratio decidendi from obiter dictum when assessing the effects of a particular decision; however, when judicial precedent is used, the judge follows or takes the reference of a decision made in a similar past cases that has already been judged upon and he is ruling the same way using the other case as a guideline. Thus, law reporting, hierarchy of courts and a method of distinguishing between obiter dicta ratio decidendi are considered to be the key features of judicial precedent. The general rule of the precedent is that all courts are bound to follow decisions made by their superior courts and appellate courts are usually bound by their own previous decisions. However, certain of the superior courts think themselves as bound by their own verdicts whilst others do not.. Until 1966 The House of Lords was bound by its own previous decisions when Lord Gardiner LC announced a change of practice. The Practice Statement [1966] 1 WLR 1234 stated that even though the House of Lords would treat its decisions as normally binding, it would move off from these when it appeared right to do so. A judgment of the House of Lords ties all lower courts but does not consider itself as strictly bound by its past decisions, for eg, in Murphy v Brentwood District Council (1990) the House overruled its previous decision in Anns v London Borough of Merton (1978) on the matter of a local authoritys legal responsibility in negligence to prospect purchasers of property. The Court of Appeal is bound by decisions of the House of Lords although it considers them to be wrong. However in Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd [1944] KB 718, the Court of Appeal held that it was bound by its own previous decisions subject to the following three exceptions: i. If there is conflict between own previous decisions, the Court of Appeal must decide which is to be followed or rejected. ii. The Court of Appeal must not follow its own decision which cannot stand with a decision of the House of Lords even if its decision hasnt been expressly overruled by the House of Lords. iii. The Court of Appeal need not to follow its own decision if satisfied that it was given per incuriam (literally, by carelessness or mistake). The High Court and the county courts are bound by the decisions of the court of appeal. Principally there is no difference in the application of stare decisis in the civil and criminal divisions of the Court of Appeal. In practice, because a persons liberty may be at risk, precedent is not followed as strictly in the criminal division however judges tend to follow the decisions of the high court for the sake of certainty. For example R v Taylor [1950] 2 KB 368. The High Court is bound by the decisions of Court of Appeal and the House of Lords however it is not bound by other High Court decisions. The county courts are bound by the decisions of individual high courts. House of Lords and the Court of Appeal binds Divisional Court and normally follows a previous decision of another Divisional Court but if they believe that the previous decision was wrong, they may depart. For eg. R v Greater Manchester Coroner, ex parte Tal [1985] QB 67. The Crown Court judgments are not binding, though they are of persuasive authority. Therefore, Crown Court judges are not obliged to follow them. The decisions made by the judges of county courts and magistrates courts are not binding. Judicial precedent is one of the most important source of English law. An original precedent created and applied a new rule whereas the later decisions, of the higher courts, can have a number of effects upon precedents. Particularly they may be: Reversed: where on appeal in the same case, the decision is reversed and the appeal court substitute its own decision. Overruled: Overruling can occur if the previous court fail to apply law correctly, or because the later court considers that the rule of law contained in the previous ratio decidendi is no longer required, then a higher court can overrule a decision made in an earlier case by a lower court. For example, the Court of Appeal can overrule a past High Court decision. A refusal to follow: the court may refuse to follow the earlier decision especially when it is not bound by the decision or cannot overrule it but doesnt wish to follow it. Distinguished: Judges use distinguishing as a tool to avoid following a earlier decision which they would otherwise be bound to follow. It helps to keep judicial precedent and the law flexible. Where a judge founds that the material facts of the present case to be considerably different from the earlier case, then he may distinguish both the cases and refuse to follow previous decision. For eg. Merritt v Merritt (1971) and Balfour v Balfour (1919) Explained: a judge may seek to study or discuss a past decision before applying it or distinguishing it, thus the impact of the previous case is diverse in the circumstances of the current case. A decision which is reached per incuriam is one reached by carelessness or mistake, and can be avoided. For eg. Morelle v Wakeling [1955] 2 QB 379 However, this rule does not allow the Court of Appeal to ignore decisions of the House of Lords. There are three types of Precedent, Original, Binding and Persuasive and are used instead of statutory law in civil cases. Original Precedent is one where the point of law is absolutely new and has never been decided before, means a new case that has never been in trial, the decision then judge comes to will form a new precedent for subsequent cases which may be persuasive but not binding on the court. for eg. the cases heard regarding the 7th July 2005 London bombings were original precedent as the cases were never heard before a UK judge. Binding precedent is when a case involves a point of law, the lawyers for both sides will research past cases to try and find decisions that will help their clients win the case. A past decision is only binding if the decision is at the right level in the hierarchy and the facts of the second case are satisfactorily similar and also only the ratio decidendi of the earlier case is binding. A persuasive precedent is not completely binding on a court but may be applied. For eg. a. Decisions of English courts lower in the hierarchy. For eg, the House of Lords may follow a Court of Appeal decision, and the Court of appeal may follow a High Court decision, even though not strictly bound to do so. b. Decisions made by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. c. Decisions made in the courts in Scotland, Ireland, the Commonwealth (especially Australia, Canada and New Zealand), and the USA. These decisions are usually cited specially where there is a shortage or absolute lack of English authority on a point. d. Obiter dicta of English judges. Judicial precedent enables certainty in the law as its detailed. It helps in forecasting the decision only by looking at the existing precedents. The uniformity in the law enables to treat similar cases in the same way which in turn helps to give the system a sense of justice and to make the system acceptable to the public. However, it may lead to some difficulties in deciding what the ratio decidendi is, mainly when there are a number of reasons. As it is not a set of binding rules, the system limits the growth of the law and can create injustice in individual cases. Hundreds of cases are reported each year, making it hard to find the relevant precedent which should be followed and thus creates a confusion and becomes too complex with thousands of fine distinctions. If judicial precedent was a set of binding rules like statutory law it would have not been that flexible. Therefore from the above discussion, we can conclude that, it is crystal clear that the judicial precedent is based on the real facts and situations, unlike legislation or statutory laws where the law is created. Judicial precedent is practical in nature, and therefore it becomes more flexible. Thus we get number of ways to avoid precedents which allows the system to change and to adapt to new situations referring through a wealth of cases. Thus, judicial precedent is best understood as a practice of the courts and not as a set of binding rules. As a practice it could be refined or changed by the courts as they wish.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essays --

How Has Border Control Changed Since 9/11? By: Joey Zannotti Border patrol has changed since 9/11 by different ways such as More Agents, More Agencies, More Security Checks, and newer more advanced walls, and many more. I. The Numbers The number of Illegal Immigrants that enter the U.S and are living in the U.S illegally is around ten million people. The area that has the most Illegal Immigrants that come from there country to the U.S is Mexico with around five point nine million Illegal Immigrants that entered into the U.S illegally. Around four point five Illegal Immigrants come from other Latin American countries that come to the U.S Illegally. Around one thousand four hundred Immigrants enter the U.S Illegally every single week. The four states with the most Illegal Immigrant living in them are California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida. There are around one point two million temporary legal citizens living in the U.S. In nineteen ninety there were four hundred thousand Illegal Immigrants living in the U.S. In two thousand and four there were around three point nine Illegal Immigrants that were living in the U.S. There are around two point five refugee arrivals. There is about twenty one point seven legal arrivals that come to the U.S. Also there are around ten point three undocumented Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. The number of Illegal Immigrants in nine eleven was way lower than what the number is now its increased by about seven million people. The number of Border Patrol agencies and agents has increased. (which is a good thing.) The amount of Border Patrol agents during 9/11 was around nine thousand one hundred men and women and now there is about seventeen thousand seven hundred men and wo... ...s and all of the U.S’s citizens. Without the border patrol agencies, there would be chaos everyone would be an illegal citizen, and there would be a very high amount of people living in the U.S, and the population would have an effect on the amount of jobs there are for citizens and there would be a major amount of homeless people, and a lot of people who have lost their jobs because there are no jobs for everyone, because the population is so high and it would be a war on jobs. Bibliography (book) â€Å"The Closing of the American Border† By Edward Alden (book) â€Å"Immigration Wars† By Jeb Bush, and Clint Bolick. (book) â€Å"Websters Fourth Edition Dictionary† (book) â€Å"Websters Standard Thesaurus† (book) â€Å"Webster’s Encyclopedia† (website) (website) (website) Essays -- How Has Border Control Changed Since 9/11? By: Joey Zannotti Border patrol has changed since 9/11 by different ways such as More Agents, More Agencies, More Security Checks, and newer more advanced walls, and many more. I. The Numbers The number of Illegal Immigrants that enter the U.S and are living in the U.S illegally is around ten million people. The area that has the most Illegal Immigrants that come from there country to the U.S is Mexico with around five point nine million Illegal Immigrants that entered into the U.S illegally. Around four point five Illegal Immigrants come from other Latin American countries that come to the U.S Illegally. Around one thousand four hundred Immigrants enter the U.S Illegally every single week. The four states with the most Illegal Immigrant living in them are California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida. There are around one point two million temporary legal citizens living in the U.S. In nineteen ninety there were four hundred thousand Illegal Immigrants living in the U.S. In two thousand and four there were around three point nine Illegal Immigrants that were living in the U.S. There are around two point five refugee arrivals. There is about twenty one point seven legal arrivals that come to the U.S. Also there are around ten point three undocumented Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. The number of Illegal Immigrants in nine eleven was way lower than what the number is now its increased by about seven million people. The number of Border Patrol agencies and agents has increased. (which is a good thing.) The amount of Border Patrol agents during 9/11 was around nine thousand one hundred men and women and now there is about seventeen thousand seven hundred men and wo... ...s and all of the U.S’s citizens. Without the border patrol agencies, there would be chaos everyone would be an illegal citizen, and there would be a very high amount of people living in the U.S, and the population would have an effect on the amount of jobs there are for citizens and there would be a major amount of homeless people, and a lot of people who have lost their jobs because there are no jobs for everyone, because the population is so high and it would be a war on jobs. Bibliography (book) â€Å"The Closing of the American Border† By Edward Alden (book) â€Å"Immigration Wars† By Jeb Bush, and Clint Bolick. (book) â€Å"Websters Fourth Edition Dictionary† (book) â€Å"Websters Standard Thesaurus† (book) â€Å"Webster’s Encyclopedia† (website) (website) (website)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pros and Cons of the Mandatory Seatbelt Law Essay -- Pro Con Essays

An enormous division currently exists between the people who believe that automobile safety should be an option and those that feel it must be a requirement. The federal government feels the morally obligated to create the safest driving environment possible. On the other end of the spectrum, opinions exist that the average driver has ability to make the choice of safety on their own. Editorials, political assemblies, debates, and conversations have arrived on the concept of click it or ticket. This idea refers to ticketing any motor vehicle driver and passenger that is not fastened by a seat belt. Arguments have been made for both sides, and have been reviewed in multiple states. One particular article has been written, by Dr. Walter E. Williams, that discussed the negatives of click it or ticket, and has actually demoralized this idea (Williams 2003). The article is properly titled 'Click It or Ticket', and was written in the fall of 2004. His educated opinions reflect one side of the controversial argument; however also contain bias statistics and opinionated logic. Dr. Williams has researched the programs purpose and actions and feels strongly against the policy (Williams 2003). His motive of convincing readers to side with him exists in his tone of rebellion, astonishment, and confusion. His argument lies on the basis of opinion and not practicality. On the other hand, his reasons are just and well-explained, and therefore make for a liable argument. Dr. Williams provides statistics, facts, and general observations to collectively explain his view of the click it or ticket policy (Williams 2003). The first area of Dr. Williams? argument focuses on government responsibility, rights, and laws (Williams 2003). His ge... ...ay of laws and reasonable policy. Dr. Williams is obviously an individual of knowledge and pride, however, his education may not provide the key his views of positive policy. Instead of viewing the governments? attempt at safety as a negative authority, he should reflect on the physical benefits instead of the intangible conflicts. Therefore, the ?Click It or Ticket? article described one way of viewing a current law of governing safety. Dr. Williams clearly disagrees, but an audience should generally view the attempt at safety as the proper acts of government as opposed to the negative. Safety is a necessity for a civil society, and click it or ticket laws allow for a safer than nothing transportation situation. This should be appreciated and will eventually quiet all critics by accurate statistics of saved lives while maintaining a reasonable spending platform.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Various Architecture Problems

Undertaking 1: A ) Identify Three ( 3 ) different types of edifice: 1.Residential – A residential edifice is a constructed for residential tenancy and can suit a person’s to populate in. There are a few types of residential edifice such as flat set of room fitted particularly with housekeeping. Then Condominium besides included as a type of ownership in existent belongings where all of the proprietors own the belongings, common countries and edifices together, with the exclusion of the inside of the unit to which they have title. Following townhouse is similar to condo in that each abode is attached to next abodes. Figure 1 ( A ) 2.Non-Residential -Non-residential edifices use some intent other than residential. Non-Residential are edifices other than homes, including fixtures, installations and equipment that are built-in parts of the constructions and costs of site clearance and readying. Non-residential edifices comprise.Example include commercial such as is abuildingthat is used for commercial concern intents, Educational Buildinga edifice designed for assorted activities in a primary, secondary, or higher educational system such as school and college. Then Manufacturing edifice are include as a non-residentialis the edifice for production of goods for usage or sale. 3.Industry Building -Industrial edifices are frequently a warehouse or other big. Industrial edifice designed to house industrial operations and the provide necessary status for work and the operation of industrial equipment. Industrial edifices has been grown up with fast long times ago in the universe. There are a few industrial edifices such as mill, refinery, factory and others. Industrial edifice by and large have skeletons in the form of cross frames, with Colum embedded in the foundation and balk beam or trusses hinged to the Colum. Figure 3 ( A ) B ) Select One type of edifice in undertaking 1 ( a ) , place and depict Two constituent of infrastructure and superstructure of the selected edifice. Residential Building -Residential Buildings is an of import thing of all. Residential edifice is a edifice that is occupied by all the people all the clip. Residential edifice is besides really fast turning but non in Malaysia but around the universe. Custom residential edifices will be sold or rented to those in need through the building companies or agents that have been registered. Residential edifice included such as cottage, patio house, flat and condominium. Infrastructure: -Substructure is a last support part of a construction. Basically a construction located that inside the land degree such as foundation. A foundation is hence that portion of the construction which is in direct contact with the land to which the tonss are transmitted. Foundation -Ensure that the structural tonss are transmitted to the undersoil safely, economically and without any unacceptable motion during the building period and throughout the expected life of the edifice or construction. Figure 1 ( B ) Superstructure: -Superstructure is an drawn-out portion of the infrastructure. A construction that stands above the land degree and the floor degree is known as pedestal. Plinth is hence defined as the part of the construction between the surface of environing land and surface of the floor. Floor -floor is that portion of a edifice on which furniture, family, commercial and others. Floor is used for walking about and besides strength and stableness to utilize. There are a few types floor such as solid lumber floor, timber laminated floor and concrete floor ( Solid Ground Floor ) Figure 2 ( B ) Roof -Roof is made to cover room from upper face. Different types of roofs are used in constructing depending on the location and roof besides give a protective covering to the edifice, so rain, air current or snow may non damage the edifice. Figure 2 ( C ) C ) Explain the characteristic and map ( s ) of each edifice constituent that has been province in Task 1 ( B ) -The characteristic and maps of floor is the floor surface of a edifice site which receives all the activities and other tonss.The building floor shall hold safety characteristics and comfort. Shocking normally consists of a figure of base bed, bed of sand, concrete liner and coating coatings. Stability should be included on the floor. The stableness of the floor doing it a robust construction. The following is floor should besides dwell from floor strength besides to suit unrecorded burden. Comfort is besides of import to do certain the temperatures either hot or cold. Then the characteristic and maps of the roof is to give a protective covering to the edifice, such as rain, air current or snow may non damage the edifice. Following conditions opposition is required to protect a edifice from the damaging. Structural stableness besides could be supplying support for the roof. Supply good visual aspect might be a major ocular component in the design of a edifice. Undertaking 2: A ) Define dirt probe -Soil probe is of primary importance in the building sector. It is necessary before constructing a new construction to forestall the failure of the foundations at a ulterior phase. Bearing capacity of dirt and the dirt must be established to find whether the stableness of the foundation can be obtained. Soil of probe is of paramount importance for building undertaking. B ) Briefly explain Two ( 2 ) types of dirt simple -Disturbed dirt Samples Disturbed dirt samples, as their name implies, are samples taken from the drilling tools. Examples are auger slivers, the contents of the split-spoon sampling station in the standard incursion trial, sludge from the shell or wash-water return, or manus sample dug from test cavities. Disturbed samples are usually used for the finding index belongingss of the dirt such as the unit weight and specific gravitation. The sample besides used for categorization trial such as screens and gravimeter analysis to obtained the atom size distribution and Waterberg bound trials to happen the consistence of cohesive dirt. -Undisturbed Soil Samples Undisturbed dirt samples, obtained by driving a thin-walled tubing into the dirt, represent every bit closely as is operable the true unmoved construction and H2O construction and H2O content of the is of import non to overdrive the sampling station as this compresses the contents. It should be recognized that no sample taken by driving a tubing into the dirt can be genuinely undisturbed. Undisturbed samples are needed for more sophisticated laboratory trial such as shear strength, include the unconfined compaction trial, direct shear or shear box trial and Trixie trial under unconsolidated untrained ( UU ) , amalgamate untrained ( CU ) , and consolidated drained conditions ( Cadmium ) . C ) Soil drilling are the most common method of subsurface geographic expedition in the field. Briefly explain THREE ( 3 ) types of drillings. ( 1 ) Percussion Boring Boring: -Percussion Drilling is the procedure of doing boreholes by striking the dirt so taking it. The tools are repeatedly dropped down the borehole while suspended by wire from the power windlass. Meanwhile, H2O is circulated to convey the dirt film editings to the land surface. A shell and a pump are required to go around the H2O. ( 2 ) Rotary Boring Boring: -Rotary Drilling uses rotary motion of the drill spot with the coincident application of force per unit area to progress the hole. In this procedure a hole is made by rotary motion a hollow steel tubing holding a cutting spot at its base. The cutting spot makes an annulate cut in the strata and leaves a cylindrical nucleus of the stuff in the hollow tubing. This method is the most rapid method of progressing a hole in dirt and stone. Boring clay may be needed to forestall dirt cave-in. ( 3 ) Hand/Mechanical Auger Boring: -Hand plumber's snakes may be used for tiring to a deepness of about 6m. power plumber's snakes may be used for tiring to a deepness of approximately 10 to 30 m. Next, as the hole is tiring a short distance, the plumber's snake may be lifted to take dirt. The removed dirt can be used for field categorization and research lab testing, but it must non be considered as an undisturbed dirt sample. Power plumber's snake set with a drill rig can be used to obtain samples from deeper strata. Undertaking 3 A ) Describe with the assistance of studies the anatomy of the lumber: 1 ) Bark: -Hard outer covering. -Protect tree from harm. 2 ) Bast: -Layer surrounds the cambium. -Carries nutrient made from foliages to the other portion of the workss. 3 ) GROWTH RINGS: -Annual rings. -Each pealing one twelvemonth grown. 4 ) Beam: -Convey nutrient from the blast into the cambium bed to sapwood to heartwood. 5 ) Sapwood: -Newly formed portion of the tree. -Cells carry H2O and minerals to subdivisions and foliages. 6 ) Heartwood: -Provides useable lumber for building ( difficult, strong, and lasting ) . -Gives support to the tree. 7 ) Pith: -Centre of the bole. -Consists of soft, dead cells from original sapling. B ) Discuss the THREE ( 3 ) factors that will impact strength and lastingness of lumber. Factors that will impact strength and lastingness of lumber are due to natural factors. The temperature can besides impact the strength and lastingness of wood. lumber that has been cut can non be left at high temperatures because it could impact the opposition of wood Example, the grains are way of wood cell and the longitude axis of a lumber that were swan and this can give an consequence to the strength of a lumber. Following, Factors act uponing the humidness changes the wood and adhesive strength. Visibility between wood and adhesive are affected by wet content. Following factors is will give affect is transition defect it usually, cause by human such as hapless drying and hapless film editing. Following is deterioration defect Reproduction by spores and the favourable status for it growing is where the topographic point have a good temperature, O and wet. Higher wet content will cut down strength and lastingness and cause lumber to disintegrate. Densities besides give consequen ce to strength and lastingness due to dense microstructure. C ) With the assistance of studies, briefly explain the THREE ( 3 ) types of lumber defect – A defect of lumber is any abnormality looking in or on the lumber that may cut down its strength or lastingness if used for building work. It may happen in the lumber during fending or flavoring. Defect can sort three types such as natural defect, transition defect and impairment. Natural defect: Nature defect it’s the grains are way of wood cell and the longitude axis of a lumber that were swan. This can give an affects to the strength of a lumber. Conversion defect: Normally, cause by human. Example hapless drying and hapless film editing. Deterioration defect: Reproduction by spores and the favourable status for it growing is where the topographic point have a good temperature, O and wet included dry putrefaction ( most common and fungous onslaught ) and wet putrefaction ( become toffee, lose strength and crumble ) . Undertaking 4:Describe and discourse about the choice of the roof system:– The roof system for a cottage is level roof. This is because to cover a level or low-pitched roof. This is normally known as a membrane and the primary intent of these membranes is to waterproof the roof country. Besides, these roofs are found in traditional edifices in parts with a low precipitation. Modern stuffs which are extremely impermeable to H2O do possible the really big low-pitch roofs found on big commercial edifices. Materials that cover level roofs typically let the H2O to run off from a little disposition or camber into a trough system. Water from some level roofs such as on garden sheds sometimes flows freely off the border of a roof, though gutter systems are of advantage in maintaining both walls and foundations dry. The Philosophy behind the selected roof system:-I had purpose utilizing level roof because there are plentifulness of advantages. The advantages utilizing level roof. The most obvious advantage is that they are easier to mount and inspect. These roofs offer more stableness than sloped roofs. Flat roofs are besides cheaper to re-coat and put in so their aslant opposite numbers. With proper attention, level roofs are durable and easier maintain.Sketch the subdivision of the foundation, land beam and floor of the edifice, and besides roof beam and roof system of the edifice: